Fish in a Tree Reflection

1.What do you think about Ally? I think she is an underestimated girl. She is very smart in her own ways. She is very talented no one understands her.

2.What do you think about her classmates? Who do you find likeable – why or why not? Shay- Very unlikeable, rude, bullies ally and most people. Albert- likable, nice, very smart, outgoing Keisha- nice, understands ally, sweet, understanding to all.

3.What do you think of Mr. Daniels? Explain. Mr. Daniels is a very nice teacher because, he helps Ally and supports her. He is not only nice to Ally, he is nice to all. He even calls his students fantastic.

4.Do you find the story authentic and real-to-life? Explain why or why not. I don’t find this book real to life because, anyone with problems would’ve told an adult by this point.


-Juliana 3/8





An Open Letter to Math ;((((



Dear Math,


All these years when you confused me. When I tried to do your problems, never solving them. Just pretending to never, completing your problems. To those nights I came home with your homework, laying on the ground crying for hours on end. FDP, Coordinate planes, I hate you. Mrs. Sethi, Mrs. Wright, Mrs. Bartell, Mrs. Lufkin, Mr. Fortunato, Mr. Boring, nothing you say makes sense. I remember the stupidest things, never remembering your multiplication facts. I hate you. You need to be explained. Why do you have variables, why can’t it just be a number? I’ve done my time with you. Why do we even do math? I hate the smell of your almost fish smelling scent. The sight of all of those numbers, hurting my eyes.  The sound of problems yelling “SOLVE ME!” I hate you math.



Juliana McDonald